After you have set up your Baidu Pay Per Click (PPC) account, you can start uploading your campaigns. There are three very important differences between Baidu PPC and Google AdWords that you should notice when you are preparing your campaigns:

More characters allowed on Baidu ads
While Google Adwords allows 25 characters for the title and 35 characters for each line of ad text (two lines of text in total), Baidu allows twice the length!
The specifications are: 50 characters for the title and 80 characters for each line of ad text (in total two lines). You are having more space to describe your products or services in detail.
In contrast to Adwords, advertisers can choose to only write one first line of ad text for a Baidu ad and leave the second line empty. However, it is very important to note that, even if you decide to use both lines of ad texts for your ad, the chance that both lines are displayed depends on the position of the ad. Only when an ad has the highest relevancy and a very good quality score, Baidu will display it on the top positions of its search results, showing both lines of ad texts. When an ad is presented on the other positions, Baidu will only show the first line of the ad text. Therefore it is highly recommended to write the first line of your ad in a way that it can stand alone, – meaningful and grammatically correct – in case the second line is not being displayed at all.
For advertisers who want to mirror their Adwords campaigns on Baidu and want to do so in a quick way, they can combine their two lines of ad text on Adwords and use them as a single text line for their Baidu ad. Two text lines for an Adwords ad have a maximum 70 characters, which fit easily within Baidu’s 80-character limit.